An Overview Of Tooth Fillings

tooth fillings

Restorative dental treatment is done using tooth fillings. These filling are used to repair teeth that are damaged. Teeth get damaged due to lifestyle, lack of personal oral hygiene measures, habits such as smoking or using tobacco or accidents. The decayed or damaged portion of the tooth is removed and is filled with material that helps support the teeth and help restore the teeth functionally. Saving the teeth is what dental fillings help in doing, extraction of the tooth is avoided by this procedure.

Who needs dental fillings?

Tooth decay is the most common of the dental concerns seen. It is seen in children and adults – in all the age groups. Personal oral hygiene does play an important role in tooth decay, but it is not just that, genetic factors also play a role in oral health. Tooth cavities once they appear do not disappear with any amount of treatment. They disappear if they are taken care of by utilising dental fillings. If left unchecked or untreated, cavities can escalate to other problems. The health of gum tissues, the health of neighbouring teeth is some of the areas that are affected. If it cannot be treated by dental fillings, then dentists would suggest root canal treatment or tooth extraction.

Dental health must be given the utmost importance. Some of the warning signs that can indicate the need for dental filling help to identify the problem before it gets out of hand. Tooth sensitivity is experienced by many – this is the situation where the tooth feels discomfort or a tingly sensation and sometimes even pain. This is seen mostly when consuming hot or cold food. Toothache is experienced generally and this becomes more when chewing food. The pain is experienced as shooting pain in the tooth that is facing decay.

Some can see discolouring of the tooth or even a hole in the tooth. One can also notice food getting stuck in the tooth and having rough edges. Decay can also set in if there has been a tooth filling and it is lost or broken. When similar symptoms are noticed, it is important to get expert advice from a dentist. Most dental concerns progress as they are ignored, and the apt dental treatment is not taken.

Treatment and Procedure

Dental fillings help to restore the structure of the tooth by the use of dental fillings. Dentists by use of specialised tools and by observation gauge the extent of decay of the tooth. They will suggest the dental filling procedure. The procedure is decided based on the oral health of the person, it also depends on how much the decay has progressed and if it will harm the neighbouring teeth.

The teeth have three main parts – the outer visible part of the tooth, the root part and the inner pulp region that has nerve endings. The decay is mostly seen in the inner pulp, so by this procedure this portion is removed and filled with material and sealed.

As it involves removing the decayed part, it is done under anaesthesia. After the area is numb, the top portion of the tooth is cut open. The dentist by use of a drill or laser will make an opening on the top of the tooth. Through this opening, the dentist uses specialised tools and removes the decayed part. Thorough flushing of the inner area of the tooth is done. This is done to remove the remaining decayed material.

Different types of dental fillings

There are a variety of dental fillings available. Metal fillings, porcelain fillings and glass ionomer fillings are available to choose from. The position of the tooth that needs fillings, the health of the tooth and the personal preference of the patient all play a part in narrowing down the choice of the dental filling.

Metal fillings like gold or silver are known for their durability. With proper care, they can easily last up to 15 years or more. Silver fillings also offer durability and stability to the tooth but they do not blend well with the colour of the tooth, many prefer gold fillings to silver. Another variety of dental filling available is composite fillings. They are close in colour to the natural tooth and are preferred by many but they are not durable. Porcelain fillings on the other hand have both the advantages of metal and composite fillings.

If dental fillings ae required by children, then dentists usually prefer to go with glass ionomer filling. These are also used if the fillings need to be placed below the gum line. They release fluoride and protect the tooth from more damage and are the reason why they are preferred for children.

Regular dental consultations

Dental consultations help to obtain the correct treatment for the different dental problems. Having consultations twice a year and also when there are situations when there is a severe toothache or other dental concerns. Usually tooth pain is ignored as something that would disappear in a few days. Sometimes, they do, but it is also important to check it with a dentist as it could be a sign for other dental problems like cavities, Timely help will help to arrest the development of cavities. It also helps the decay from spreading to other neighbouring teeth.

The oral health of a person will be greatly compromised if proper dental treatment is not availed. Dental consultations twice a year help to check the condition of the possible dental problems that can occur. This will help to take action early before the situation develop. Oral health can be maintained at a higher level by these dental consultations. Focusing and taking care of dental health should start right from childhood and children should be taught how to take care of their oral health. The importance of brushing twice a day and flossing to remove food debris should all be taught and this will help to keep most dental problems at bay.

Categorized in: Oral Health