Ballarat Market on October 20, 2019 – Ballarat, VIC

Come one and come all of Ballarat residents, visit the fun filled annual trash and trivia market which is now renamed as Ballarat Market on Sunday 20th October between 8 am to 1 pm.

The Market will offer a variety of second hand wares, where you may find a treasure like something you were looking for but not prepared to pay a big price. There will also be handmade crafts which can adorn your quaint tastes in art, or which can be used as personalised gifts. For all those with green fingers, there will be home grown plants and vegetables.

Bring along guests and children who will enjoy the Market very much. It will be time well spent for a relaxed lazy Sunday.

The Market is organised totally by volunteers From the Rotary Club of Ballarat South. Apart from nominal expenses, the  proceeds that are generated by the Market is used to help many Projects in the Ballarat area, like Ballarat sports and Arts Foundation, Financial assistance to cancer research programs, Youth Leadership programs and many other institutions. The club finances the annual Charity Raffle with attractive prizes.

Visit the website for all inquiries –

Categorized in: Ballarat