Do porcelain veneers fall off? Tips to manage till your visit to the dentist

Do porcelain veneers fall off

Porcelain veneers are used to cover stains, chips, cracks, and other blemishes of teeth. They are thin sheets of ceramic made from medical grade porcelain which is very different from the normal regular ceramic. These porcelain veneers are attached and bonded to the front of the teeth to give a more attractive smile and make the person look more beautiful.

This dental treatment is opted by people who have broken or crooked teeth or who have their teeth stained because of substance abuse or because of medicinal requirements. The porcelain veneer shell is made according to the shape of the original tooth and fits snugly onto it. Once fitted, it is bonded with the tooth permanently. These veneers are constructed with perfection and it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between the original tooth and porcelain veneers, because they are flawlessly customised, and look most natural.

How are veneers fitted?

Dental veneers are fitted at the dentist’s office. The patient who has issues with way their teeth look can visit the dentist. After a discussion, the shape and size of the veneer will be decided. It will take about 4 weeks for the veneer to arrive at the dentist’s office from the lab where they are constructed.

About ½ mm enamel from the teeth is needed to be removed for bonding the veneer to the teeth surface. The procedure includes local anaesthesia before the veneers are placed on your teeth. Before they are permanently bonded, your dentist will try them on your teeth temporarily to see its shape and colour and whether they fit properly. The cement colour has to be adjusted with the veneer colour. After a proper fit, the dentist will use a light beam and special cement to bond the veneers permanently onto your teeth. After fixing them, excess cement is polished away.

A few subsequent visits will determine whether the veneers are a perfect fit and are able to their job of biting chewing properly in addition to looking good.

Can veneers fall off?

Usually porcelain veneers stay put on the teeth. Once the bonding has done properly the veneers behave as if they are the outer layer of the teeth. They are to stay for life. But as it happens with many dental restorations, sometimes veneers behave differently, and fall off. In some cases it may be the fault of the dentist but in other cases it could be the lab that made them. But in most cases it is just bad luck. In many cases they fall of because of ageing process and wear and tear.

What is to be done in case veneers fall off?

If your porcelain veneers have fallen off, they should be reapplied right away without any delay. The exposed teeth will irritate when it comes in contact with air and irritation may harm the pulp of the teeth. The immediate action on your part after you discover your veneers have fallen off is to keep the veneers in a small plastic bag and take them to the dentist as soon as possible. Do not attempt to place the veneers back on your own. It can further chip your veneers because of sensitive porcelain. Only the dentist can try to fit them in again and decide whether they fit properly or not. If the dentist decides that it fits, he will have to clean the veneers inside out and sandblast it for a thorough job. Since the porcelain veneers had been exposed, the dentist may etch them with hydrochloric acid to rebind the veneers.

Can you prevent your veneers from falling off?

Porcelain veneers fall off for a variety of reasons. It is logical to avoid such situations where there are increased chances of veneers falling off.

  1. Many people have a habit of grinding teeth during sleep. If force is applied on the edges of the veneers, the pressure builds up on the veneers and they may dislodge. It would be advisable for such people to wear a teeth guard before going to sleep, which will protect the edges of veneers.
  2. Damage to the face during accidents when the teeth get impacted results in the veneers getting dislodged from the teeth. In this incident, the dentist will be able to reset them.
  3. Eating hard foods also impacts the veneers increasing the chances of them get dislodged. Avoid eating hard foods and cut foods in pieces to lessen the chances of harming the veneers.
  4. Ice is one of the hardest foods to bite into. Avoid cutting ice with your veneers. It may impact them and make them loose.
  5. Eating candy and sugary sweets in excess also creates problems for the veneers as they have to deal with lot of stickiness. It is difficult to get rid of sugar from the teeth and may cause the veneers to loosen up from the teeth they are bonded with. Avoid eating lots of sugary sweets and candy.
  6. Even after the dentist has done his work of filling cavities and cleaning the teeth, there are cases of more tooth decay and cavities in neighbouring teeth. The chemical in the bonding material loosen up and causes the veneers to fall off. It is vital to keep your dental hygiene routine up to date.

In the unlikely event of veneers falling off, you must never ever try to glue them back. Only a trained dentist can do the task of re bonding in a professional way. Take an appointment within a day or two of the veneers falling off, and keep the veneers safe in a plastic bag. Meanwhile take proper dental care of your exposed teeth till you get to see your dentist.

Categorized in: Veneers